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The requirements under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (and the inspections that enforce those requirements) stipulate that all practices must meet a number of fundamental standards of care, one of those key standards is that premises and equipment must be clean and suitable...

Every cleaning system is unique to the organisation in which it’s implemented, you will find that even simple cleaning operations like floor mopping, there will be numerous changes made to that operation that are specific to that application. It is therefore important to understand the...

To begin to understand how problems in cleaning (or the lack of cleaning) arise, we need to appreciate that cleaning is a technical skill, even though it is not viewed as such in the wider society. We take for granted that anyone can clean, and...

Cleaning is a critical part of any business, in any industry, either directly or indirectly. It is easy to imagine the repercussions that would follow to health if cleaning was so poor, or stopped altogether, in a hospital; but imagine the repercussions to any other...

Are you up to date with your cleaning? Here’s why you may not be, even if you think you are: “We thought we knew everything we needed to know about cleaning, you helped us see how wrong we were” “I’ve been to many classes and seminars before,...

A brand new unique online course in domestic and residential cleaning is now available! This course is also perfect for guesthouses, bed and breakfasts, small hotels and holiday homes, where a high standard of cleaning and appearance is expected without question; the lack of good...

A facility management requirement should be all about utilising properly trained cleaners, to minimise the possibility of surface damage. But there’s more. If you are going to use a cleaning company it is your responsibility to get the tender absolutely correct so that the cleaner gets a...

Untrained cleaning causes considerable amounts of damage to the cleaner through the way they work. We don’t want you to bend and stretch and damage your muscles and joints, nor damage your lungs through breathing in fine mists from careless use of trigger sprayers or...

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