
Train-the-Trainer Course for Training Cleaners

The train-the-trainer course is a full and complete course specifically designed for cleaning team leaders or cleaning supervisors/managers looking to develop and deliver practical internal training courses to their cleaners. This course is available worldwide.


Are you looking to train your cleaning staff but cannot see how to implement a training programme across the workforce, or across many different work sites?

Are you concerned that on-site training from cleaning experts could be too costly?

Are you looking to create an on-going training programme for your cleaning staff?

The answer to these and many other similar questions is to build on and put to use the existing expertise from the Cleaning Masterclass and the experience of your cleaning staff and train them to teach others. Teaching others is a valuable and much needed skillset that must be learnt and practice, so by using the expertise from the Cleaning Masterclass, they will be able to teach others.

Are you looking to improve the skills in your cleaning workforce?

Take the Train-the-Trainer Way – combine any cleaner training course, even a fully customised course, with the train-the-trainer course and you will have a group of employees that are focused both on the specific training content and on how to teach this training content to others.

Who Will Benefit from Our Cleaning Train-the-Trainer Course?

Cleaning companies wanting to train their cleaners

Facility Management companies wanting to train their cleaning staff

In-house cleaning teams (public and private sector)

Charities and Social Enterprise companies looking to train people to improve employability

Organisations wanting to create Internal induction & onboarding training

Large organisations wanting to train their cleaning staff anywhere in the world

Cleaning Franchisors and Franchisee wanting to add cleaner training to their cleaning franchise operations

Choose the best training delivery option for you

  • On-Site

    • Option of one to three day course
    • Option to include additional cleaner training course
    • Personalised service and one-to-one assessment
    • After-sales help in developing first course

  • Online Learning

    • Cost effective
    • Study worldwide
    • Tutor support throughout study period
    • Option to include additional online cleaner training courses

  • Live Online

    • Flexible live online sessions
    • If you’re interested in live virtual training please let us know

Course Overview

Using years of tried and tested teaching in the workplace, the Cleaning Masterclass train-the-trainer course is a full and complete course specifically designed for businesses and public organisations looking to develop and deliver engaging and effective practical-based internal training courses to their cleaning staff.

We don’t even require any previous teaching experience for us to shape you into becoming a professional trainer. We start at the very beginning with a set of powerful techniques to enable you to ensure your students remember the skills you want them to know. Building on this, the course will take you through assessing and analysing training needs (what do I teach?), developing learning objectives (what do I expect them to be able to do?), designing the training programme (how do I teach them?), delivering the lessons (what makes an ideal trainer?), and evaluation (Have they learnt?). Throughout the course there are practical cleaning examples to help you understand, and practical techniques you can use in your training.

It doesn’t end there. The course covers those times when people are not receptive to training, they don’t care or are hostile to the idea of needing training. How do you as a new trainer handle these types of people? How do you use training as a tool to intervene when faced with attitude and behavioural issues?


To truly master the art of training takes time and practice, that’s why we don’t leave you at the end of the course. For 12 months following the completion of the course we are here to help you get started and provide on-going support.

train-the-trainer screenshots

What You Will Learn from The Course

Explain the role memory plays in the learning process

Explain and demonstrate the way information is retained

Explain and demonstrate with examples the typical learning process (cycle)

Identify the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the two broad trainer types

Describe when to use each trainer type effectively and when to find a balance

Explain the importance of good communication skills

Demonstrate good body language

Identify common barriers students face to learning and examples of how to reduce these barriers to learning

Create and deliver a short lesson (practical or theoretical) evidencing all 5 steps of the training cycle

Course Content




How Do We Learn

Fundamental to learning and mastering any skill is the capability of our brain to retain knowledge and our ability to apply that knowledge to real-life practical applications. This section starts the course by looking at the core principles of how we all learn, then the techniques we can use as trainers ensure our students retain memories.

Role of memory in learning, how memory works and retaining memories

Learning Cycle - how everyone learns


Analysing and Designing Training Programmes

The second section takes the core principles of memory and learning from section 1 and applies them into practical use in designing and delivering structured training sessions. This section divides this process into 5 key stages:

  • Stage 1 – What do I need teach? You cannot start to build training sessions if you don’t know what topics to teach. The stage covers who you are going to teach and how to assess the specific training requirements – establishing training goals.
  • Stage 2 – What do I expect them to be able to do? Once you know who to teach and what you are going to teach, the next stage is to take those training goals and convert them into concrete learning objectives. These detail exactly what they should be able to do at the end of the training session.
  • Stage 3 – How do I teach them? This stage takes those learning objectives and creates one or more structured lesson plans to best achieve those objectives. What teaching method and style is best to use? Classroom or on location? Lesson timings?
  • Stage 4 – What makes an ideal trainer? At this stage, all the planning has been done, you are ready to start and put the lesson plan (or plans) into action. However, you need to know what it takes to make a success in teaching. What does it take to be the ideal trainer? You have the right training material, but do you have the right attitude, the right approach and the ability to guide the delegates throughout the lesson? The ability to communicate directly and indirectly is a critically important skill for a trainer to have, it will determine how successful you are.
  • Stage 5 – How well have they learnt? Delivering the course content with the right approach, engaging with the delegates to promote active learning, but how do you know they have picked up the concepts correctly? Also, how well have you done as a trainer? What worked and what didn’t? This stage looks at assessing both the delegates and you: assessing the delegates against the learning objectives and self-assess yourself to see how effective you were in both keeping them engaged and interested.

This section covers the following topics:

The training cycle

Assess and analyse individual and workplace needs

Understand and develop key competences

Develop Targeted Learning Objectives

Design and Develop Engaging Training Programmes

How to Deliver Lessons with Confidence

Evaluate your Students and your Teaching Performance


Understanding Students

It goes without saying that to be a good trainer you must understand the topics you are going to teach, however, to be a successful trainer you must have a thorough understand your students. This section goes into more detail about the particular nature and characteristics of adult learners, what motivates them, what barriers to learning you will encounter and how to overcome them, how they behave in groups and how to work with them in groups.

This section covers the following topics:

Understanding adult learners, their motivation and reluctance to learn

Common barriers to learning

Handling difficult students

Understanding group behaviour


Training Interventions

You will encounter students that are not receptive to training, or even outright hostile to the idea. They resist the idea. They think they don’t need training. In a previous section it is highly recommended to find the root cause of any issues before resorting to training to fix problems. However, in this section training is used as a tool to intervene where attitudes and behaviours start to become a problem, and how to plan and use training sessions to solve these issues.

This section covers the following topics:

“Why don’t they do what they are supposed to do?”. Using training as a tool to intervene and correct attitude and behavioural problems

Understanding what influences job performance

How to use training to create a customised action plan

Essential Trainer Support

We are here to help you

We are here for you during the course, and we don’t leave you once you have finished the course. During the course you can contact us with your questions and queries, and we will help you. Even when you have finished the course, for the first 12 months, with the option of an annual extended support, we are here to help you get started and get established. This unique support is extremely rare, but we are confident that you will be a successful trainer.

It will feel quite daunting once you have finished the course to create that first lesson plan, or even before that to determine who and what to teach. The course contains everything you need to get started and develop an entire training programme, but it helps to know you can count on support during that crucial period.

Essential Trainer Support

Certified & Accredited

Where will this take you?

You will receive a personalised certificate (1 per user), each with a unique certification number. The certificate can be validated by simply contacting us.

You will be entitled to use the title of certified Cleaning Masterclass cleaner.

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