Are you up to date with your cleaning?

Are you up to date with your cleaning? Here’s why you may not be, even if you think you are:

“We thought we knew everything we needed to know about cleaning, you helped us see how wrong we were”

“I’ve been to many classes and seminars before, you are the only one who explained why things should be done and not just to say they shouldn’t.”

During the summer holiday period in the UK Futureclean Assured Systems ( was asked to provide onsite training to in-house housekeeping and cleaning staff, to a number of state run and private schools. Any holiday period (summer break or end of term) is ideal for cleaning teams to review their current skills and perceived deficiencies and address problems. The recurring theme in all the schools we visited was that there were many other cleaning and safety issues that needed to be addressed, over and above the issues raised as part of internal reviews. Although more often this is near impossible to do internally as it is easy to become ‘blind’ to the problems and issues, something that a fresh pair of eyes can easily see.

So you may not be as up to date with your cleaning management as you think you are.

In fact, we found that many more issues were either not addressed or even considered, yet they are much more important for a cleaner. Issues we looked at by request from the cleaners and management (amongst others):

  • Basic cleaning techniques
  • Infection control (acute and continuous situations)
  • All the reasons for cleaning
  • Consequences of cleaning in general and that includes the consequences from good cleaning, as well as poor cleaning


Did we succeed?

“After your training we changed some of the ways we clean, we are pleased with the results.”

“Your training helped us understand safety in cleaning more than we thought, especially in cutting down our slips problems.”

“I thought that you delivered a knowledgeable training and I am happy that now the team has the base to provide a good service.”

“I inherited a number of serious problems with our cleaners, thank you for providing training and technical help in sorting out these problems.”

Our teaching methodology which links cleaning techniques together with other topics and this helps staff understand and appreciate the reasons for cleaning and consequences of their cleaning actions to themselves, to others and to the surface they are cleaning. We found it to be a great way of linking basic cleaning techniques with general health and safety (manual handling, slips & trips, etc), care for cleaning equipment, safe use of cleaning equipment and products.

If you think we can help your organisation with something very similar, please contact us.

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