Part 2 – The Three Pillars That Will Ensure Your Success
How do I turn around my failing cleaning business? My cleaning business is lacking customers, what can I do to improve my business? How do I make my cleaning business pay? I want greater success in my cleaning business? How do I run a success cleaning business? I’ve set up my cleaning business, now what do I do?
All these questions and many more are answered in part two of this cleaning business survival guide.
What does Genghis Khan, the one and only 13th century leader of the largest empire, have to do with how you run your cleaning business? He is credited with being the greatest leader of all time, commanding the largest area known to man – effectively ruling half the world. Genghis Khan didn’t achieve this by accident; mastering strategy and the art of war lead him to victory.
These strategies and the lessons from Sun Tzu’s ‘Art of War’ are incorporated throughout this manual, and it all starts with three pillars.
The three pillars that will ensure your success:
- Good Strategy
- Good Relationships
- Good Working practices
Think of these three pillars as three mighty pillars holding up your business. Each pillar must be strong to withstand the weight pressing down, but just one pillar, or two, is not enough, you need all three to shore up the foundations of your business. What about money? Can throwing wads of cash ensure success? History is littered with countless examples of failed businesses that were well funded. Money, or great products or services for that matter, without these three pillars is like a rudderless boat uncontrollably heading for the rocks. You get the picture.
This manual takes you through each pillar in detail, giving you plenty of practical help and suggestions on how you can implement what you have just learnt. There is a lot of information in this manual and it isn’t readily understood, or at least in 5 minutes. Some of it you can put in practice straight away, some needs time and some will be on-going over the weeks or months even – take your time – Read and study in short bursts. Go away and do. What you are after is the perfect working system, one which suits you. We give you the ideas and the ways.