
Our manuals are the product of 20+ years of practical experience and cover a wide range of much needed cleaning information to suit individuals and businesses alike. You can gain this knowledge straight away without the substantial time and expense invested.

Available either as an instant downloadable PDF file or a printed A4 spiral-bound book.

Featured Manual

Cleaning Instruction Cards

The Cleaning Instruction Cards (CIC) are a handy set of printable instruction cards, designed to provide practical cleaning instruction and health and safety guidance to cleaning and housekeeping staff.

They deliver practical-based instruction in all the cleaning techniques and practices in a handy printable form that can be used over and over again.

Other Manuals

How to Start a House and Office Cleaning Business

This manual covers all the basic ways of house cleaning and office cleaning and includes carpet and window cleaning as well as stripping and sealing vinyl floors.

Change Management in Cleaning

This manual shows you exactly what to do, in a logical sequence of steps, to turn around even the most failing cleaning system and keep it working well for years to come.

How to Clean your Boat...

This manual gives you full professional cleaning information for cleaning a boat (or a caravan, car, RV, or even light aircraft) of any size or shape.

The Complete Sales & Marketing

The indispensable and unique sales and marketing course for your small service business or cleaning business. The complete sales & Marketing course is made up of three parts: Sales, Marketing and Customer Care.

How to Master Builder's & Post Construction Cleans

After the builder’s and shopfitters have finished, someone has to clean up to get the site to absolute perfection, this manual teaches you this highly profitable side of commercial cleaning.

Cleaning Business Survival Guide

The complete cleaning business survival guide is made up of two parts: Part 1 is all about how to set up and run your own cleaning business. In the second part of this two part series, we show you how to succeed in your cleaning business.

Window and Carpet Cleaning

First off, we take you back to the basic and tried and tested technique for cleaning windows. In much the same way as the window cleaning section, the carpet cleaning section introduces you to a systematic approach to carpet cleaning.

Ron's Guide to Housework and Cleaning

This is only for householders and not commercial cleaners.

This volume of secret strategies for housework is destined for those homeowners who just find themselves up to the neck in housework, dogs and kids – It’s difficult!


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